Chiropractic Bentonville AR Fascial Release Therapy

The focus on FASCIA and its relation to chronic pain are interestingly recent. Over the last few decades, an evolving understanding of the white connective tissue has started to explain how we carry injuries throughout our lives. Have you ever wondered why a certain area is always the one that flares up or continues to be a problem? The answer likely lies in your fascia.

We hope this article will help you to gain a better understanding of the amazing things that fascial manipulation in Bentonville AR can do for you.

How can FASCIAL MANIPULATION help in Bentonville AR

A key component of any significant trauma or injury is pain. PAIN becomes our ultimate focus as at times it can be unrelenting. But, as the injury heals and pain diminishes we get the sense that everything will be fine. The pain eventually recedes until it is non-existent. At this point, we treat the injury as an uncomfortable memory and move on with life. We consider it to no longer be a problem and that is far from the truth.

At the time of a significant injury the layers of fascia that normally glide freely over each other bind together to form an ADHESION. This adhering of the fascial layers form a knot that restricts movement. It should be noted that it takes a significant injury to form an adhesion. Injuries such as broken bones, whiplash, severe sprain/strain, and abdominal issues will produce adhesions. The primary adhesions will then develop more adhesions in a pattern as your body COMPENSATES for the original injury. This is how problem areas change over time but it is a long and slow process.

The breakthrough for treating adhesions comes from the Stecco family in Italy. Luigi Stecco began mapping out the fascial system in the 70s. The amount of time it took to map the body was tremendous and left little time to market the technique. Fortunately, his children continued with his work and FASCIAL MANIPULATION is now practiced internationally. The mapping of the fascial system located points that are the same for every individual. These points are not adhesions until they have been traumatized. Therefore your injuries produce your own unique set of adhesions.

During the exam, we locate the most symptomatic, i.e. painful, points. It is important to treat in a pattern as your body developed the points in a pattern. The points are initially painful but after SPECIFIC manual treatment, the pain gradually diminishes. Working a point until it glides freely is paramount. A post-check is given to show improvement in pain and range of motion.

This treatment is coupled with chiropractic to provide maximum benefit. Fascial Manipulation is a cutting-edge treatment that produces amazing results. If you have been looking for the next BIG THING to TACKLE pain then try Fascial Manipulation!

8:30am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm

8:30am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm

10:00am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm

8:30am - 12:30pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm

8:30am - 12:30pm

Saturday & Sunday

Bridgewater Chiropractic and Soft Tissue Center

900B S Walton Blvd #19
Bentonville, AR 72712

(479) 268-3992